March 5, 2012

Washington State: Neah Bay/ Cape Flattery (Pt. 2)

Happy Monday everyone! Here's the next installment of my photos from my recent trip to Washington. (If you missed part 1,  click here for my photos from Seattle). One of the days there Chelsey and I took a 2+ hour car drive north west from her house to Cape Flattery and Neah Bay. Fun fact: Cape Flattery is the northwest most point of the continental United States! At first we were a bit weary of even going because it was raining really badly that day, but she insisted I had to see this spectacular trail and view of the west coast- and she was right. The further we drove the more green, and the more wet, it became as we were driving straight into a rain forest. Her two dogs Cooper and Bella had fun, but I think they were really excited to get back into the warm car afterwards. We also got a chance to see Hobuck Beach which is an awesome beach that has beautiful sand dollars just lying on the coast. I'm still trying to figure out a cool way to display them at home. Anyways, onto the photos! And be on the look out for the last installment with my photos from our day trip to Victoria, Canada!

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